
10 J/kg                                                                                                                                                                  5000 J/kg


This shows what the air temperature "feels like" by combining the heat index and wind chill on one map.

One direct consequence of climate change is that in many places perceived temperature is higher than before. This is due to shifts in both temperature and humidity as the climate system reacts to the higher level of heat by redistributing warm air and moisture in the atmosphere.

Heat creates additional stress for the human body. Due to the higher exhaustion rate it is essential to increase the rate of hydration. Heat is potentially impacting the circulatory and nervous systems.

Beyond the direct health effects -such as well-being -; heat has an directly and indirectly through effect on several social-economic components. Findings and research already indicate that perceived temperature is increasing for most world regions . As a result, higher mortality rate is to expected. The occurring of longer and more intense heat waves will slow down economic growht.

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Mon 12/34/56 4:00


    <minus -40 Celcius                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            > plus 60 Celcius




 US National Weather Service


Wind: Wind speed at specified height

Temp: temperature at specified height

RH: relative humidity at specified height

WPD:  Instantaneous Wind Power Density [measure of power available in the wind]

TPW: Total Precipitable Water [total amount of water in a column of air stretching from ground to space]

TCW: Total Cloud Water [total amount of water in clouds in a column of air from ground to space]

3HPA:  3-hour Precipitation Accumulation [amount of precipitation over the next three hours]

CAPE: Convective Available Potential Energy from Surface [indicates the buoyancy of air, a measure of atmospheric instability and predictor of severe weather]

MSLP: Mean Sea Level Pressure [air pressure reduced to sea level]

MI: Misery Index [perceived air temperature as combination of heat index and wind chill]

SST: Sea Surface Temperature [temperature of the ocean surface]

SSTA: Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly [difference in ocean temperature from daily average during years 1981-2011]

HTSGW:  Significant Wave Height [roughly equal to mean wave height as estimated by a "trained observer"]

Cosc: Carbon Monoxide Surface Concentration [the fraction of carbon monoxide present in air at the earth's surface]

CO2sc: Carbon Dioxide Surface Concentration [the fraction of carbon dioxide present in air at the earth's surface]

SO2sm:  Sulfur Dioxide Surface Mass [amount of sulfur dioxide in the air near the earth's surface]

DUex  Dust Extinction [the aerosol optical thickness (AOT) of light at 550 nm due to dust]

SO4ex; Sulfate Extinction [the aerosol optical thickness (AOT) of light at 550 nm due to sulfate]

PM1: Particulate Matter < 1 µm [mass of atmospheric particles with a diameter less than 1 micron]

PM2.5 Particulate Matter < 2.5 µm [mass of atmospheric particles with a diameter less than 2.5 microns]

PM10: Particulate Matter < 10 µm [mass of atmospheric particles with a diameter less than 10 microns] 
