The World Green Bridge is an entrepreneurial organization of knowledge partners. Within the present time, we are experiencing the effects of climate change as a result of changing the natural atmospheric greenhouse effect of the Earth.
In its Fifth Assessment Report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a group of 1.300 independent scientific experts from countries all over the world under the auspices of the United Nations, concluded there is a more than 95 percent probability that human activities over the past 50 years have warmed our planet.
Young people are leaders within the World Green Bridge.
Our children will inherit our planet as it is left behind by us.
For their future, it is essential that they know how to protect our planet and climate. Education plays an important role in future innovation and investments in environmental technologies, infrastructures, sustainable livelihood and behavioural and lifestyle choices. Young people should be involved in topics such as climate change and the imminent food and water scarcity.
Regardless of the exact causes of climate change:
We want to tackle specific environmental problems and provide long-term benefits of our environment, economy, and society at large. We like to help the underprivileged livelihoods with the right key solutions.
We hope to achieve commercialising some proven - but yet unused - technologies and scientific solutions with regard to environmental issues. We focus on food and agriculture, arable land, drinking water and energy.
Our aim is to contribute in the development of - especially - affordable solutions that are characterized by thoughtful simplicity and distinguish themselves through low investment and low costs of operations and maintenance.
In general, we want to fine-tune existing viable technical applications and ideas by making use of the potential of today's high tech knowledge and tools.
- “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.”
- “We aim for solutions that are plain and simple, yet do no violence to the difficulty of the subject.”
You will notice that we included our own icon version of the Doomsday Clock, to be used as a link to our info page
- CLIMATE CHANGE - to emphasize its severity. It is meant to give an impression of the environmental processes -and their impact- that are currently going on. Global warming and its consequences are unimaginably complicated and difficult to predict.
We have the utmost respect and admiration for all researchers, scientists and other stakeholders working on this subject. As a non-profit organization we are very grateful for the shared knowledge and cooperation. It will help us to contribute in finding solutions and adaptations that mitigate the impact of climate change.
We sincerely hope that our results will contribute.

For their future, it is essential that they know how to protect our planet and climate. Young people should be involved in topics such as climate change and the imminent food and water scarcity. Education plays an important role in future innovation and investments in environmental technologies, infra- structures, sustainable livelihood and behavioural and lifestyle choices.